You know that country song...
"He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are We got cowboy boots and camo pants Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad I wanna do everything you do So I've been watching you"
Well, although we haven't got to the point that Cash is swearing (I'm sure it won't be long). Cash has been watching everything that Sam does (ya, that's how I got Cash to go potty on the toilet 'dad does it' now Cash goes every morning).
One day he wanted to sit on the couch and wear dads coat:
When dad naps Cash lays by him:
And Dad is ALWAYS doing this around the house:
2 Years
9 years ago
LOL!!! I love that song. Gotta love little boys.
haha! Love it! That is so funny!
Oh, I am cracking up! That was a dang cute post! He is adorable!
oh my word i love the last picture that is the best. Cash is so cute our kids are getting so big. hes such a good helper with the trash. he is so cute.
What??? He's going potty already! I'm so jealous Addi has no interest whatsoever! Yay for him. Your kiddos are both so cute!
Too too cute!
You crack me up!
I am SO proud of Sam for being able to go potty by himself now so that he can finally teach Cash!! I love that last pic too!
I love that song! Your family is so adorable. How are you learning to change the colors of your pictures?
HA HA HA HA!!!! I love your post...Check out my "monkey see, monkey idea!!! It makes me really nervous how quickly they pick up on things...Gotta love em'
That is sooo funny! I guess I better make sure you guys know I'm coming over so that Sam/Cash has a chance to put some clothes on :)
That is right! Damn girl scout cookie season! I heard a nasty rumor today that due to the economy... girl scout cookie boxes are going to be smaller than they already are! How does that even make sense? why would the economy have anything to do with that? People will still buy them!
Ha ha ha... Jessie from saved by the bell... you are funny! Paul just bought some hydroxycut, so I will have to try em... but I am scared cause when I worked at Garts I took some and I was so shaky...
So Cute! I haven't blogged lately and noticed your little girl is standing up on her own. I can't believe how fast the time goes.
Seriously!! so cute.. Can you please send Cash to my house to take out the trash. you know we are to lazy. Issy is really standing that is crazy. I'm so excited to see you guys.
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