So the other day when I got out of the shower I came out to find this (no, it's not some disaster that Cash had made):

I couldn't believe that she had pulled herself up to the basket so I hurried and grabbed my camera and started taking pics and she did this:

WHAT?? She can stand? I am so in denial of Isabell getting bigger. She is 7 months now and I have JUST come to terms with the fact that she doesn't fit into 3 month clothes anymore. Since this day she has been thinking she is so cool. She pulls herself up onto everything!! So, she can sit up on her own, pull herself up onto things but she still hasn't crawled on her hands and knees!!! She gets around the whole house by army crawling... I am trying talk Sam into army crawling everywhere for one day, so far he's not going for it. But I will let you know how it goes.
She is so dang cute, so seven months huh? Doesn't that mean its about time for another? ha ha ha. :)
What a little doll! She's doing awesome! It's sad that they just grow up and start doing stuff like that when you just want them to stay tiny!
whoa! 7 months??? Really?? That is SO crazy! Don't let Rachel pressure you.... she is a bad influence!
Those eyes and cheeks are so cute!!! They grow entirely too fast!!! I feel the same way about Abbie!
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