So Molly's sister Stacey came to Arizona to see Molly's new little baby, Sadie. I am sure that Stacey was hoping for a lot of lounging around, holding a sweet little newborn, eating junk food and reading gossip magazines. But no. Not only did Cash give her kids the flu, I made her take pic's of my kids. Sorry about your luck getting me as a Sister's-sister in law. :)
She did such an awesome job!!! Cash never holds still long enough for a pic but somehow Stacey got a few of him. And how perfect are these ones of Isabell?
2 Years
9 years ago
I can not get over that hair!! It's so freaking cute!!
I love the pictures...I wish I had a friend or relative that took pictures.
Oh my gosh you have the cutest kids! I love all her hair and Cash has the prettiest eyes.
those pictures are SO cute. I can't believe how much they are both changing so fast. Cash is so animated!
You are too funny. I had so much fun! I was actually using YOU for your super cute kids:)! It was so fun to see you again. I'll have to make sure to time the next trip right around when they need pics again:)
Great pictures they're great. congrats on the couponing, you do much better that me. Keep it up. Its good to teach your kids to be good helpers while they are young. And hopefully they will continue during their teen years. I hope you have a great day and give my grandkids a big hug and kiss from me. I hope your holding up with your busy schedules...Love, Grandma Jolley
Your kids are beautiful!
What a priceless smile! Isabelle is so stinkin cute. Cute kiddos.
sam has his work cut out for him when she gets older... he is going to have to beat up alot of dumb teenage boys(which he will probably enjoy), but maybe thats why you had cash first... cute pictures.
Hey I was so confused with who you were for a second, because you spelled Desi's name wrong...LOL! but your family is adorable, and I got her shirt at Old Navy awhile ago.
You have literally got the cutest kids I have ever seen.
I was getting all attached to your blogging and then you stopped. What gives?
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